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Registered Trademarks

Registered trademark
Intuitive Nutrition
Registered trademark
Healthy Balanced Nutrition

"Intuitive Nutrition" and "Healthy Balanced Nutrition" are registered trademarks, with rights belonging to World Health Nutrition Organization Switzerland.

Registered trademarks "Intuitive Nutrition" and "Healthy Balanced Nutrition" are international and independent trademarks. They are not tied to particular producers or government and nongovernment organizations.

Rights for using these registered trademarks can be granted only to food products whose quality conforms to Intuitive Nutrition standards and Healthy Balanced Nutrition standards and if someone has applicable certificates from World Health Nutrition Organization Switzerland.

The presence of the above-mentioned registered trademarks on food products means that these products are recommended by World Health Nutrition Organization Switzerland for use in a weight management system using the principles of Intuitive Nutrition and Healthy Balanced Nutrition.

Having these registered trademarks on packaging for food products signifies that such products are recommended for a weight management system by the World Health Nutrition Organization.

The slogan and signs of these registered trademarks aim to associate the certified products with the highest quality possible and being able to use them for weight management according to Intuitive Nutrition and Healthy Balanced Nutrition systems.

By using these registered trademarks, food producers represent themselves as being a member of the worldwide movement for promotion of Intuitive Nutrition and Healthy Balanced Nutrition.

Registered trademarks and certificates of the World Health Nutrition Organization are very important for food producers because consumers associate these trademarks with high-quality and wholesome food products.